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Night view spot


Mojikō Station

Since 1891, Mojikō Station has connected Kyushu to the Japanese mainland and the world at large. Its symmetrical, Neo-Renaissance design is reminiscent of a gateway, reflecting the role it has played for over a century. In the years since its construction, the station has been relocated, renamed, and renovated, but it endures as a symbol of Moji’s prosperity at the turn of the twentieth century.


Former Osaka Shōsen Building

The Former Osaka Shōsen Building was originally a passenger waiting lounge and office for Osaka Shōsen Kaisha (OSK), a shipping company that once served routes all over the world. Built in 1917, the branch office operated continuously until 1991, even after OSK merged with Mitsui to form Mitsui OSK Lines. The grand octagonal tower and tiled facade make this building a prominent landmark.


Mojikō Retro Observation Room

Just before sunset, the observation room’s lights are dimmed to a gentle orange, and the city takes on a relaxed air as its rhythms slow and the waves lap against the harbor walls. Don’t miss the nighttime view, which has been designated a “Night View Heritage of Japan.” The café, also on this top floor, is a popular spot for early evening drinks or a romantic date.
